Bayview Ave- South of Eglinton Ave Living in a male-dominated household( I mean number-wise only- I like to think of myself as the boss of this tiny area of the world:))deprives me of all the fun and sweet activities that I could have been doing if I'd had girls:) But there is one activity that my boys love to come along with me and that is going around the city and discovering and rediscovering new neighborhoods. I really try to teach my boys to see beauty in everything, particularly all the ordinary things around them. Here I am sharing with your some of the pics that I took last weekend when we visited High Park( actually for cherry blossom blooming which did not exist as we are experiencing a cold spring this year in Toronto) as well as Mirvish Village. Hope you like them! Elmira زندگی در خانه ای که مرد سالاری هست( البته منظورم از نظر تعدادی هست_ واگر نه دوست دارم فکر کنم که من رییس این قسمت کوچک دنیا هستم:)) من را محروم کرده است از همه آن تفریحات بامزه و شیرینی را که من می توانستم داشته باشم اگر دختری داشته بودم! ولی یک تفریحی وجود دارد که پسرهایم هم دوست دارند که همراه من باشند و آن هم رفتن دور شهر و کشف کردن و دوباره کشف کردن همسایگی های مختلف هست. من سعی دارم به آنها یاد بدهم قشنگی را در همه چیز ببینند مخصوصاً چیزهای عادی اطرافشان. در این پست من بعضی از عکسهایی را که آخر هفته پیش از دیدارمان از های پارک( البته برای دیدن شکوفه های درخت آلبالو بود که به خاطر بهار سردی که امسال در تورنتو داریم وجود نداشت) و همچنین دهکده مرویش گرفتم را با شما قسمت کنم. امیدوارم خوشتان بیاید! المیرا Gardiner Expressway- Going West Parkside Drive Believe me, he is really good looking:) High Park- Toronto My dad and my boys going straight for the hot dog stand With my family-High Park, Toronto Don't you love this? He used all his logic and reasoning skills for almost half an hour that day to convince me to get a dog for him:) Not happening:( Honest Eds Store Inside of Honest Eds Store- So Cute O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True Patriot Love in all Thy... Markham Street, Toronto Markham Street, Toronto Window Display at Honest Eds Thank you so much for stopping by! But make sure you come back tomorrow:)
H&K Elmira
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