Dress: c/o Walktrendy.com, Here/// Sandals: Sophia Webster, Here/// Bag: Gucci, Here/// Earrings: TSC, Similar/// Belt: Orciani, Similar/// Bracelet: From Iran, Similar. Follow me @wellputblog and Facebook! Thank you so much for your support:) I got this beautiful dress from a company called Walktrendy.com to show it on my blog. Actually I did pick it myself only because I wanted to challenge myself( I tell you in a second why.). But when I received it and put it on, I said: " Oh my goodness. There is no way that I will be showing this on my blog". I have to tell you something first though. The main part of that was because even in my younger years, I have never never worn anything revealing( I know it is crazy but this dress for me is on top of that list:)). Anyway, but the other part was, like most women, I had and still have a lot of issues when it comes to my poor body. But as I get older:( and more aware of things that could easily go wrong and strip me away from whatever beauty I do or I don't have, I try to be less harsh on judging my body. BUT there are days that I try to appreciate whatever god gave me or not:) and be thankful about everything that I have and how I still look relatively fresh and young ( I don't know, maybe I am hopeful and/or don't look at myself closely in the mirror. But whatever it is, please don't take that away from me by leaving me comments like "Hey lady, you are not as young looking as you think you are."). Elmira من این لباس را از واک ترندی دات کام گرفتم تا در بلاگم به نمایش بگذارم. واقعیت این هست که خودم انتخابش کردم تا کار خودم را سخت کنم. ولی وقتی لباس را دریافت کردم و پوشیدم٫ گفتم: خدای من. هرگز این لباس را در بلاگم نمی پوشم. باید به شما چیزی را بگویم. دلیل اصلی این بود که من حتی وقتی جوانتر هم بودم لباس باز نمی پوشیدم( می دانم چی فکر می کنید ولی این لباس برای من خیلی باز هست:)). و بهرحال دلیل دیگر هم این هست که من هم مثل خیلی از خانمهای دیگر از خیلی قسمتهای بدنم راضی نبودم و نیستم. ولی هر چی بزرگتر می شوم:( و آگاهتر از اینکه همین زیبایی که دارم یا ندارم چقدر راحت می شود از من گرفته شود٫ سعی می کنم به بدن بیچاره ام زیاد سخت نگیرم. و البته روزهایی هم هستند که قدر چیزهایی که خدا به من داده یا نداده:) را می دانم و شکر گذارم که به خاطر همان دادهها همچنان جوان به نظر می رسم( شاید خوش باورم یا در آینه خودم را بادقت نگاه نکردم ولی هر کدامش که باشد لطفاً این را از من نگیرید با گذاشتن پیغامهایی مثل این: َهی خانم٫ آنقدر هم که فکر می کنی جوان به نظر نمی آیید َ:)) المیرا Thank you so much for stopping by! But make sure you come back tomorrow!
H & K Elmira
6/6/2015 12:54:12 pm
Hello Elmira! I first want to say that you look stunning wearing that beautiful dress! And girl, you have nothing to worry about because you are and look amazing and you can wear anything you want because everything looks beautiful on you. We all struggle with body image issues at one point or another (I do!) but I have learned to accept myself and the fact that I am getting older (ugh!) and even though I may have moments where I may look at myself in the mirror and say: "OMG, I can't believe this is happening!", I know in my heart that it is just my body and that in the end it will all be about how much I enjoyed my life and what I chose to do with it. Have a blessed Sunday! XOXO, Jeannette
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